The Gorgeous Art Of Okami HD

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I’ve been giddy ever since Okami HD was announced not too long ago. Every little piece of news released, no matter how small, just makes me want to return to the gorgeous eastern land once again. Today, a new trailer was released and it’s absolutely beautiful. It shows off the gorgeous art of the game and it certainly doesn’t help with my impatience.

Though we only see a moment of the game, it gives us a great taste on what to expect. Whenever that thirst will be quenched is yet to be seen, as the game doesn’t have a solid release date in the western territories yet other than “Fall.”

It’ll be released November 1 in Japan, so I expect we’ll see our own release shortly after that. I wouldn’t imagine a re-release, let alone of a game with no voice acting, would require much translation, so late November or early December looks likely for the game’s North American release.

Check out the trailer below and let us know what you think.

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